About Us - Clinical Advisory Board

Clinical advisory board

N1‑Headache’s clinical advisory board members are affiliated with distinguished medical centers around the world.


Prof. Hans-Christoph Diener MD PhD
“The collection of real world clinical data combined with n=1 analytics to measure individual outcomesand develop individual patient profiles is becoming an increasingly important paradigm in medicine. This is the promise of N1‑Headache.”
Prof. Hans-Christoph Diener MD PhD

Professor and Head of Neurology
Department of Neurology
University Hospital & Essen Headache Center
Essen, Germany

Prof. Hans-Christoph Diener MD PhD is currently Professor of Neurology, Chairman of the Department of Neurology and Director of the Essen Headache Centre at the University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany. He was formerly President of the German Neurological Society, President of the European Headache Federation (EHF), and the International Headache Society (IHS) and chairs the German Headache Consortium and the German Stroke Data Bank.

Prof. Diener’s work helped establish migraine as a neurological disorder when many thought it was a psychosomatic disease. His subsequent contributions to the field include identifying the factors that lead to drug-induced headache and co-authoring the guidelines that set a common standard for migraine drug trials.

Prof. Diener has authored or co-authored 900 articles in peer reviewed journals (181 as first author, 19 in the NEJM), 324 invited reviews, and 343 book chapters, served as the editor or author of 81 books; and has been the Principal Investigator in more than 30 trials on the acute treatment and prophylaxis of headache disorders.

Peter Goadsby, MD PhD
“Finding out something that you don’t have to avoid is as important as finding out something that you do. That’s what is attractive about N1‑Headache.”
Peter Goadsby, MD PhD

Professor of Neurology
Kings College London, United Kingdom
University of California, San Francisco

Peter Goadsby is a leading clinician in migraine. He was appointed a Wellcome Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Neurology, University College London in 1995. He was Professor of Clinical Neurology and Honorary Consultant Neurologist at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Queen Square, London.

He is now Professor of Neurology in the Department of Neurology, University of California, San Francisco and remains Honorary Consultant Neurologist at the Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond St, London.

His major research interests are in the basic mechanisms of head pain in both experimental settings and in the clinical context of headache management. The work of the Headache Group involves human imaging and electrophysiological studies in primary headache, as well as experimental studies of trigeminovascular nociception. The aim is to understand what parts of the brain drive and modulate headache syndromes, and how those might be modified by treatment.

Richard B. Lipton, MD
“The N1‑Headache approach is unique in that it is specifically designed to allow migraine patients to identify and manage the factors that influence the day-to-day variation in their risk ofattacks.”
Richard B. Lipton, MD

Director, Montefiore Headache Center
Professor, The Saul R. Korey Department of Neurology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Professor,Department of Epidemiology & Population Health
Edwin S. Lowe Chair in Neurology
Vice Chair, The Saul R.Korey Department of Neurology

Dr. Lipton's headache research focuses on the epidemiology of migraine and on clinical trials. His epidemiologic studies have evaluated trigger factors for headache attacks and risk factors for headache progression. Dr. Lipton has published more than 600 original articles, many with trainees. He is a 3 time winner of the H.G. Wolff Award for excellence in headache research from the American Headache Society and the Enrico Greppi award from the European Headache Federation. Dr. Lipton is co-Director of the Montefiore Headache Center, an interdisciplinary subspecialty center focused on headache, patient care, research and education.

Dr. Lipton is a Past-President of the American Headache Society (AHS). He serves on the editorial boards of several journals, including Neurology. He has written 11 books.

Anne MacGregor, MD
“N1‑Headache gives patients individual information that they can use to help them understand how their migraine is developing over time; information and understanding are the key to effective management and so much more powerful than just a prescription for medication.”
Anne MacGregor, MD

Specialist in Headache and Women’s Health
Barts Health NHS Trust

Dr. Anne MacGregor is one of the UK leading headache specialists. She currently is a specialist in Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare and has worked at Barts Sexual Health Centre since 1996. As a result of her work in headache, in 2010 she was appointed Honorary Professor, Centre for Neuroscience and Trauma, Blizard Institute of Cell and Molecular Science, Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry, having been Honorary Senior Lecturer since 2004.

In 2002 Dr. MacGregor received the Elizabeth Garret Anderson Award, which is awarded to women whose work over time has made an extraordinary contribution to relieving those affected by the burden of headache. In 2011 Dr. MacGregor received the Special Recognition Award and Honorary Life Membership from the International Headache Society. She has published over 180 research papers and book chapters, five single author books, five co-authored books and has co-edited three books. Dr. MacGregor speaks on radio and television and has written several features for the lay and medical popular press.

Please note: Dr. MacGregor accepts no payments from Curelator LLC.

Paul R. Martin, OAM, FBPsS, Hon FAPS
“What is different about N1‑Headache’s approach? The concept of ‘protectors’ is quite original as far as I am aware and I don’t think most people (clinicians and patients) think this way.”
Paul R. Martin, OAM, FBPsS, Hon FAPS

Professor, School of Applied Psychology, Griffith University, Queensland Australia
Adjunct Professor,Department of Psychiatry, Southern Clinical School Monash University, Melbourne Australia
Head, Conquer Headaches- The Headache and Migraine Program

Paul Martin is a Professor in the School of Applied Psychology, Griffith University (Brisbane and Gold Coast), Queensland Australia; and Adjunct Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Southern Clinical School, Monash University, Melbourne Australia.

He has received some of the most distinguished awards that Australia can bestow, including: The Medal of the Order of Australia, General Division (2015); and the Centenary Medal, General List (2003) awarded by the Commonwealth Government. He also received the Presidential Citation (2011) from Division One of the American Psychological Association.

Martin’s leadership positions have included: Chair, Australian Psychological Society, Golden Jubilee Conference, 2013-2015, Gold Coast; Director, International Association of Applied Psychology (2006 - ); President, 27th International Congress of Applied Psychology (2003 - 2010); Head, School of Applied Psychology, Griffith University (2011 - 2013); President, Australian Psychological Society (2000 - 2004); Innovation Professor RMIT University (2002 – 2005); Deputy Director, Southern Synergy (2007 - 2010); and Director of Psychology, Southern Health (2006 - 2010).

Professor Martin’s publications include eight authored and edited books; 135 chapters, articles and research reports; and 115 conference presentations.

Noah L. Rosen, MD
“This is the most promising digital product that I know of for migraine patients for clinical use. It allows patients to be directly involved in the management of their condition, emphasizes discovery of factors that areassociated with both increasing and decreasing risk of an attack and allows for greater personalization of treatment.”
Noah L. Rosen, MD

Director, Headache Center, Cushing Neuroscience Institute
at North Shore University-LIJ Health System, Manhasset, NY
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Neurology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Dr. Noah Rosen M.D. FAHS has been a headache specialist for over a dozen years. He is an Associate Professor in Neurology and Psychiatry at Hofstra North Shore LIJ and an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Neurology at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. He is board certified in 4 areas: Neurology, Psychiatry, Pain Management and Headache Medicine and is the Director of the North Shore Headache Center. He currently is the Residency Training Director of Neurology at North Shore University- LIJ Health System in Great Neck, New York and has previously been the Fellowship Director for Headache Medicine at Thomas Jefferson University.

His major research interests are in Headache Comorbidities including Psychiatric and Psychological Issues, access to subspecialist care and validating educational activities. He has additional interests in using technology to improve healthcare outcomes and empower consumers self determination.

Stephen D. Silberstein, MD
“N1‑Headache’s comprehensive list of triggers and protective factors is an important starting point in untangling the complex interaction between individuals and their environment, which is associated with migraine attacks.”
Stephen D. Silberstein, MD

Professor, Department of Neurology
Director, Jefferson Headache Center
Thomas Jefferson University
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Stephen D. Silberstein, MD, is Professor of Neurology and Director of the Jefferson Headache Center at Thomas Jefferson University. He is a Fellow of the American College of Physicians, the American Academy of Neurology, and the American Headache Society. He has served the American Headache Society as President, Treasurer, and Board of Directors member. He has served on the Publications, Scientific, and Education Committees of the American Headache Society and was Co-Chairman of the Annual Scientific Meeting. Dr. Silberstein is an active member of the American Academy of Neurology and was Co-Director of the national and international Headache Guideline Project, in cooperation with the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research. He was the chairman of the International Headache Society meeting in Philadelphia in 2009. He was chairman of the headache research group of the World Federation of Neurology.

Dr. Silberstein is the senior editor of the 8th edition of Wolff's Headache and Other Head Pain, Associate Editor of Cephalalgia and CNS Drugs, and a present or prior member of the Editorial Board of Headache, Cephalalgia, Acta Neurologica Scandanavia, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychology, and Topics in Pain Management. He is an ad hoc reviewer for many publications, including The New England Journal of Medicine, Brain, The Lancet, JAMA, Mayo Clinic Proceedings, Annals of Neurology, and Neurology.

Dr. Silberstein has more than 300 peer-reviewed publications to his credit and lectures extensively on the pathogenesis, neurobiology, diagnosis, and treatment of headache.

Christian Wöber, MD
“In an analysis of over 300 migraine patients, the N1‑Headache approach was able to identify for the first time multiple individual associations between triggers and migraine attacks in almost all patients.”
Christian Wöber, MD

Associate Professor
Head of Headache Group
Department of Neurology
Medical University of Vienna, Austria

Dr Christian Wöber is Associate Professor and Head of the Headache Group at the Department of Neurology, Medical University of Vienna, Austria.

His scientific work in the field of headache covers genetics and imaging, clinical features, burden and comorbid conditions. Dr Wöber is particularly interested in trigger factors of migraine. He performed a unique comprehensive diary study and published a series of articles about this issue in the last years.

Dr. Wöber is a member of the editorial advisory board of The Journal of Headache and Pain. He has published more than 170 research articles and book chapters. He schools medical students, postgraduate doctors and pain specialists in headache management. In 2003, he co-founded the annual Vienna Headache Meeting and has been co-organizing the meeting since then.
