Articles about migraine
Original articles about important findings in migraine by leading neurologists and Alec Mian PhD, founder and CEO of Curelator LLC.
The migraine mystery: The prime suspect has been freed
Is stress really a trigger of migraine - or do people with migraine have stress because they have migraine?
Will the real Mr. Average please stand up? (part 2)
Understanding the level and basis of individual variation in a chronic disease such as migraine versus an “average profile”
Will the real Mr. Average please stand up? (part 1)
Challenging the “one size fits all” approach in modern medicine.
Alcohol: Myth, Magic and Migraine (part 3)
Effects of alcohol on migraine.
Alcohol: Myth, Magic and Migraine (part 2)
The evolution of humans’ response to alcohol and why that affects migraines.
Alcohol: Myth, Magic and Migraine (part 1)
We are not always objective when it comes to alcohol.
Confabulation, card tricks and confirming your migraine triggers (part 2)
Why is it so hard to identify your migraine triggers?
Confabulation, card tricks and confirming your migraine triggers (part 1)
How good are people at determining cause, effect and migraine triggers? (Not very good.)
Mirror, mirror on the wall is tyramine a migraine trigger afterall?
Tyramine: a case study in migraine trigger mythology.
How can neck pain be a protector for migraine attacks?
Q&A with Alec Mian, PhD, CEO and Founder of Curelator LLC. and user Helen Power.
A tale of two drugs: wheat mold, hippies and headaches
An interesting best-of-times-worst-of-times story related to migraine treatment can be found in a humble wheat mold, called ergot.
Q&A with Sharron Murray and Alec Mian
We were very interested to have Sharron try Curelator Headache® because of the phenomenal success of her five year journey to track her triggers and reduce her chronic migraine attacks by 90%.
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